
Our institution in the preschool area is formed by pre-kindergarten and kindergarten. Both educational levels are based on the integral development of each one of our students where the main purpose is to discover the skills of this stage, taking into consideration: Spiritual, Perceptual-motor, social-emotional and conceptual areas.


We have a co-education where the interaction of girls and boys develop in them an excellent school coexistence and their social skills are strengthened.


Through daily activities they are taught and encouraged to love God, the Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians and Saint John Bosco as our master of the Salesian work.

Our class schedule is designed for our students to perform different activities where they be able to develop multiple competencies to strengthen abilities, such as language, bilingual communication and mathematical logic. we have high performance standards, with the goal of achieving educational excellence.


The experiences that our students perform in the garden are based on the different motor and physical development activities, which are a solid base and one of the fundamental pillars that complements the future academic learning process of each one of them.


Our students consolidate their attitudes and their neurological maturity in accordance with each of the activities they practice with their classmates, with the support of certified teachers.

We invite you to know our educational proposal

The enrollment process for 2021 has already begun.